For HLS Students

students.outsideHMP is open to all HLS students, including JDs (1Ls can apply as soon as they arrive on campus) and LLMs! There also is an option to obtain clinical credit for mediating with HMP, described here. Once a student has been accepted into the program and has completed HMP’s basic training course, HMP members can expect the following:


Student members are eligible to mediate matters pending in local courts (usually small claims cases or Harassment Prevention Orders) and/or in out-of-court disputes such as tenant-tenant or animal control matters. The approximate time commitment is three hours – not including preparation or travel time – per session. Newly-trained mediators should plan to attend approximately three mediation sessions in the semester they train and each semester thereafter. HMP requests a minimum two-semester commitment to mediating, so interested LLMs are strongly encouraged to apply in the Fall semester.


HMP’s experienced mediators provide feedback to new mediators. Providing feedback is a fundamental aspect of HMP’s model.


HMP Roundtables and HMP’s “graduation” for newly-trained mediators provide an opportunity for HMP members to socialize and discuss their mediation experiences in a confidential setting.

Interested HMP student members have the opportunity to work with HMP staff.

HMP also sponsors regular events with guest speakers and other ADR-related groups on campus.


HMP student members are able to earn credit towards the HLS pro bono requirement. Mediating, conducting HMP office hours, and teaching and coaching at HMP training all count towards the HLS pro bono requirement.

Any student who anticipates that they may seek to apply time spent with HMP towards satisfying other pro bono requirements (e.g., those of the NY State Bar) should contact a member of HMP staff in advance to make arrangements.


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