What Mediation Is

Mediation is a form of dispute resolution that allows individuals and/or organizations involved in a dispute to work together towards resolving their own differences. During mediation, trained mediators work closely with the disputing parties by listening to all sides of the dispute, identifying areas of concern, and exploring underlying interests and possible solutions. The mediation process gives parties the opportunity to tell their story and to hear the other person while focusing on moving forward. Mediators remain neutral throughout the process and unlike a magistrate or judge, mediators do not decide the outcome; the outcome is determined by the parties themselves.

Benefits of Mediation with HMP

  • Free – HMP does not charge for mediation.
  • Voluntary – Mediation is a voluntary process for everyone involved.
  • Confidential – Mediation sessions are confidential except in rare circumstances. Mediators cannot be called to testify about what was said in mediation.
  • Non-judgmental – Mediators are not judges, they do not take sides or tell parties what to do.
  • Positive and forward looking – Through mediation, parties usually develop a better understanding of each other even if they don’t reach a mediated agreement, by improving communication, hearing the other person’s point of view and thinking abut their future relationship.
  • Empowering – Parties craft and control the outcome of each mediation.
  • Successful – Parties are more likely to follow the requirements of a mediated agreement because they have crafted it themselves.
  • Timely – Mediations can often happen more quickly than waiting for a court date.
  • Convenient – Mediations can be arranged at a convenient time and place (with options for phone or video conference arrangements).

HMP’s Mediation Model

HMP employs a facilitative, co-mediation model that is premised on three main principles:

  • The self-determination of the parties;
  • The informed consent of the parties; and
  • The neutrality of the mediators.

As facilitative mediators, HMP mediators strive to help the parties create a process that best suits their dispute and enables them to reach a mutually agreeable solution. To that end, HMP mediators do not endeavor to solve the parties’ problem or impose solutions – rather, mediation with HMP creates a safe and neutral environment in which parties can discuss their dispute and seek to move towards resolution.

As co-mediators, HMP mediators draw on the skills of two trained mediators to conduct each mediation in accordance with the three main principles above.

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