Basic Training
Typically, HMP offers Basic Training twice during the academic year, once early in the fall semester and once early in the spring semester. Each Basic Training offers new trainees more than 30 hours of instruction including mediation skills augmented by mediation theory and plenty of hands-on experience through role-playing. HMP’s Basic Training meets the requirements of Massachusetts law, which allows mediators to practice in Massachusetts’ courts with the protection of statutory confidentiality. (See Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 233, Sect. 23C.)

Practicing Mediation
Upon completion of basic training, newly-trained mediators are required to complete a two semester commitment with HMP as a volunteer mediator. New mediators generally co-mediate with a more experienced HMP member and also are supported by HMP mentor-members. HMP mediators serve in multiple courts in the Greater Boston area, mediating small claims cases and adult and juvenile Harassment Prevention Order cases. HMP also mediates direct referrals, including disputes referred to HMP from local area housing developments and animal control agencies. Visit our What We Mediate page to learn more.